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A Little Bit of Black Truffle Salt goes a Long Way

Italian Black Truffle Salt makes a great addition to any dinner menu! Truffles are one of the world's favorite ingredients for desserts. Whether it's a delicate espresso coffee cake or a decadent chocolate cake, truffles can elevate an ordinary dish to new heights. Add them to cocktail sauce or mix them in with sushi, and you'll never taste cake and truffle again. It's truly the best combination for a satisfying meal.

Italian Black Truffle Salt adds a unique twist to a classic salad. If you toss together some spinach, black truffle sea salt, and fennel seed, you have a delicious side dish that will melt in your mouth. Simply sprinkle a tiny bit over any salad, from spinach to tomatoes to roasted vegetables, French fries to steak, and enjoy the full effect of truffle flavor without having to make a black-tie pasta salad. Try it once, you'll never want to go back to the traditional side dishes!

Sprinkle black truffle salt on baked sweet potatoes as a side dish. Baked sweet potatoes are baked until they are dry, then they're dipping into the delicious, rich black truffle oil. The rich flavor of this oil is addictive, so be sure to use it sparingly. Another way to enjoy these little gems is to mash them up with some cheese, cream, or yogurt. They are the perfect addition to grilled chicken or turkey sandwich.

A great way to incorporate this delightful salty treat into your cooking is to serve it on its own, with sea salt for a distinct taste. This is a very simple idea that makes sea salt and black truffle salt a match made in heaven. Serve it with grilled fish or mixed in with tortilla chips for a salty treat that's easy to make and incredibly satisfying.

Another way to enjoy this tasty treat is by grilling with it. Try serving black truffle salt on grilled steak. The rich flavor of the salt amplifies the natural sweetness of the steak while also bringing out a wonderful texture and a unique aroma. Grilled steak with truffle salt is something new and exciting, and it's something people are likely to want to try more often.

You can also make black summer truffles for a variation on the classic breakfast food. With eggs, butter, and cheese, scramble up some delicious truffles for a fun brunch. To make the truffles easier to work with, assemble them on a lightly grated bread shell. You may need to add about two tablespoons of extra black truffle salt to the mix to help ensure they are fully cooked. Serve the yolks and whites with fresh baked rolls or your favorite breakfast cereal.

As we've learned, there is a distinct taste to black truffles, one that's noticeably different from other forms of cheese. For this reason, you should only use high-quality black truffle salt. Unlike a lot of other fancy salts, the flakes from French truffles tend to have a more distinctive taste. They also tend to be a little softer than the ones from the United States and Australia.

If you want to add another layer of flavor to your Italian black truffle salt, try grating in some white truffle grinding. By doing so, you will create a uniform texture with similar flavor to that of the actual nuts, without having to worry about any similarities to chemical additives. Of course, there are plenty of ways to make your pasta dishes unique by customizing the seasoning and the types of ingredients. For now, just remember that adding a little bit of this salty Italian food is healthy and great-tasting too.