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Know About Common Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer in the past few years has become a big problem . 7 out of 10 women are affected by it. There is no guarantee that you will not have the disease. Therefore, it is important that you get your mammogram done at the earliest. Look for the best breast cancer surgeon and book your appointment with the doctor. Get your test done from a renowned clinic. No matter whether you have symptoms or not.

There is no harm in getting the test done. Often symptoms are not visible until the last moment. And by the time they get detected, it is already too late. As individuals are aware and educated, you should go ahead and get a test done.

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Do not bother about what others might think or say. At the end of the day, it is your life and you have to take proper care of it.

Common Symptoms of Breast Cancer Include the Following:

Skin changes in the breast. If you notice swelling, redness or other changes that are quite visible to the naked eye.

  • One or both of the breast size increased.
  • There is a change in the appearance of the nipple.
  • There is a common pain in any part or the whole breast.
  • Detection of  lumps in the breast.
  • Breast itching.
  • Discolored breasts.
  • Breasts may feel hard on the touch.
  • Flaking or peeling of the nipple skin.

There are many surgeons but not all deal with breast cancer. It is important to find best breast cancer surgeon; it is better not to lose your chance with them. What do you think of this?