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All About Mobile Advertising Campaign In India

Today, mobile phones are the number one innovative advertising channel. It's important to know what to do and avoid in mobile ad campaigns. Given that four out of ten cellphones are smartphones and millions of people use their phones to connect to networks, it is not surprising that advertisers have found a world full of opportunities to market their products and services.

To use this new mobile revolution, advertisers must adapt to new formats and formulas. If you want to know more about mobile advertising, then you can also visit

The first is to focus on the target group and consider that the mobile Internet is no longer something extraordinary. For this reason, the first rule is to segment the campaign to ensure that the effect reaches the right goal.

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For this reason, it is important for companies to focus not only on criteria such as age and gender but also on important factors such as the day and time that is most suitable for starting a campaign.

Because most smartphones are used between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. and even steal small-screen roles, companies must use this period for online campaigns because this is the time where most can be achieved.

Keep in mind that mobile advertising is characterized by a much higher level of interactivity than traditional media and therefore requires a far more personal approach that is ultimately less common.

Other important points to consider when starting such a mobile campaign are compatibility with all mobile platforms, creating separate pages for each device, and avoiding the powerlessness of the audience that has access to content from their mobile.