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Choosing a Content Management System (CMS)

When choosing a content management system you first need to know what it is that you want to do and what your CMS is able to do. If you have never used a CMS website before then you really need to give it a go and find one that you are comfortable with.

You also need to take into account what type of server you are running as not all content management systems can run on every server. You can also hire web content creation experts in Windsor.

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All content management systems have a very similar way of calling the code onto the base HTML page. Where they differ is how they are built, you should find one that you are comfortable with and how the backend code runs if you are looking to develop for the CMS.


WordPress was started off as a personal blog content management system, which has really taken off and become more of a CMS tool as well as a powerful blogging tool.  


Drupal can be a very powerful CMS if you know how to use it. Like WordPress it has a lot of people developing for it and there are a wide range of free modules that you can use to help quickly improve the website.


Magento is an Ecommerce CMS. It is built to handle ecommerce and it does it really well. If you are looking for a big ecommerce website that you need to be able to manipulate how each page will function and what type of layout each page may have then, this is the CMS for you.