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Using Dead Sea Salt and Epsom Salt

Wondering how to create dead sea salt soaps? This quick and easy homemade bath salt recipe will soothe sore muscles, soothe skin, and rejuvenate you for your next bath anytime of the day. With a little creativity and the right ingredient combination, anyone can create a masterpiece of bath salt creation.

For the base: Combine two parts of coarse grain black sand, one part of fine grain sea salt, and one part of palm oil. Rub this mixture all over the body and shower until the body scrub is smooth. Let sit overnight to allow the mixture to soak in, and then wash out in the shower the next morning.

For the detoxifying benefits: After you wash out of the body scrub, apply this mixture on a dry towel and place it on your face for up to fifteen minutes. The towel will absorb the cleansing agents and the scrub, and the scent will soothe your skin. Do not use this detoxifying method if you have any allergic reactions or other problems with your skin. Also, be sure not to do this if you have just taken a class or treatment that requires a facial or other similar procedure, as the scrub may cause damage to your skin. If you have sensitive skin, wait at least one hour before applying this mixture.

For the aroma therapy: After you finish rinsing out, add a half cup of dried lavender essential oil and a few drops of lemon essential oil. Sit with the mixture for about twenty minutes before going into the tub. This mixture will soothe all of your skin problems, as it includes essential oils that are known for their soothing and balancing abilities. Add enough distilled water to the tub to fully submerge yourself, as the coldness of the water will stimulate your skin cells to regenerate faster.

Use salt and dead sea salt in combination with the essential oils. Essential oils are great because they naturally combat the bacteria and viruses that reside on our skin. Many essential oils can even help to relax and refresh your tired body, making you feel like you've been doing a lot of exercise. You can add some Dead Sea salt to the bathwater, or you can soak a couple of different items in the mixture, such as cotton balls, bar soap, and scented candles or bath beads. Mixing all of these different ingredients together is going to create a delicious smell that will also rejuvenate your skin.

For the aches and pains: After you are done with the exfoliation, use a clean washcloth to gently massage your temples and other areas of your body that are aching. Fill a shallow bathtub with warm water, and add about two cups of the Dead Sea salt. Fill the tub just deep enough that you can add your full body weight, so that if you sink, you won't end up filling the bathtub. Fill the bath with warm water for at least a half-hour, and allow your body to soak for as long as you like.

As an alternative to bath salt from Dead Sea salts, you may also choose to try Epsom Salt. If you are suffering from eczema and other skin conditions, Epsom Salt can ease the inflammation and the dryness that often accompany these skin conditions. It can also reduce the redness of eczema and other skin conditions, making it feel smoother and less irritated. Epsom Salt bath salts are available in stores that sell bath and body products. You can find this salt in drugstores as well as health and wellness stores.

The benefits of Dead Sea salt and Epsom Salt are great. Not only do these products fight dry and itchy skin conditions, but they also reduce blemishes and swelling. They also work as a great alternative to bath salts for those who are looking for ways to treat themselves without resorting to expensive spa treatments.