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How Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Works?

The most important instrument for the successful implementation of hyperbaric oxygen therapy is the hyperbaric chamber.

The excess pressure chamber is nothing more than a series of pressure barriers which can raise internal pressure more than external atmospheric pressure. Patients are placed in these rooms to be exposed to high atmospheric pressure.

For example, simulations at an altitude of 5,843 to 6,157 feet above sea level can be carried out at 4 psi (1.27 ATA) when the treatment is carried out at an altitude of 1,2000 feet above sea level. You can check online more about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

We know that the higher the altitude, the lower the air pressure. The drop in pressure is the main reason that causes a decrease in oxygen supply to the blood. This phenomenon is called anoxia.

Anoxia is based on the concept of Dalton's Law, according to which the walls of the alveoli are exposed to low pressure by oxygen molecules due to the removal of oxygen from the blood.

The two main terms associated with this therapy are hyperbaria and hyperoxia. First, it's about hyperbaria, which increases the blood's ability to hold more oxygen simply by increasing the air pressure without an outside oxygen supply.

The second is hyperoxia, which is the condition of the blood with the amount of oxygen present in the blood. Hyperoxia is based on the simple concepts of the absorption capacity of liquids and the partial pressure of gases.