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Do I Need Good Credit To Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer?

Our credit score can be a very scary shadow of good service as a reminder to remain stable and conservative, or as a setback that prevents us from achieving certain goals in our lives. With poor to fair credit score, you could be charged a higher interest rate, the application is rejected, low-income housing, lower levels of employment, and more. 

With all of this punishment may have less than good credit, it is not surprising that someone would question their eligibility for something like a lawyer. Most lawyers do cost money, and lots of fees, upfront fees and hourly rates are expensive so that the bad credit is naturally something to be concerned about. However, if you need a special injury solicitor, followers and the cost per hour tend not to apply. Continue reading to learn more.

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Based contingent Rates

Most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis-charge. This means they do not collect attorney fees unless they recover the settlement for you. 

No upfront costs that come out of your pocket. Conversely, a personal injury attorney collects a pre-set percentage of the settlement, which is always disclosed to the face of the client before any documents are signed. 

These rates vary from law firm to law firm, and sometimes they can even be negotiated. In some countries, the percentage of attorneys can take as a contingency fee is limited, but the average percentage generally ranges from 33-40%.