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Top Tips to Stay Focused

1. Know Your Results

Staying Focused:  Whenever you feel yourself faltering, ask yourself what you are doing what you are doing. Say it out loud. We often forget the bigger picture, especially if we do not see visible progress. Visualize yourself achieving your goal and take a minute to me.

Top Tips to Stay Focused

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2. Spend 30 minutes cleaning

Stay Focused: What? You mean I have to clean it every day? Well no, not every day but one reason to lose focus is disturbed when we lose or misplace something. How often have you wasted several minutes looking for important papers?

3. Do what you do not want to do first.

Stay Focused: All of us have things we do not like doing. Do they become mundane tasks that we do at work every day with activities that cause us the greatest amount of stress?

The premise is that you have a list of the previous night. Have a look at it and there will be something on that list that you prefer a little. Perform one of the first! Do not procrastinate, following in the footsteps of Nike and 'Just do it'. You will feel better for it.

4. Drink Water

Staying Focused: It seems like common sense but stays hydrated. This does not mean coffee, tea, energy drinks … etc. Make sure you have 2 liters of water a day and always keep a glass or bottle handy. Keep caffeine to a minimum.