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Common House Inspection Problem

Home inspectors locate a vast array of problems during their house inspections, however, there are particular problems that seem more often than others.

 Below are the most frequent problems found by home inspectors:

1. Drainage Issues

This may be the most common problem found by home inspectors. A grade sloping toward the home can lead to damp or wet crawlspaces, foundation movement, cracking, or settlement. Water absorbed by the foundation could lead to rot in the walls, framing members, and mold. You can choose the best home inspector for home inspection services through the internet.

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Problems like this can become very expensive. To improve drainage, a homeowner may have to install a new system of gutters and downspouts or have the lot re-graded to better channel water away from the home.

2. Electrical Wiring

An insufficient or outdated electrical system is another common problem, especially in older homes. This is a potentially hazardous defect and should not to be taken lightly.

Common issues include insufficient electrical service to the house, aluminum wiring, inadequate overload protection, dangerous do-it-yourself wiring, and Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) that either doesn't work or is ungrounded.

These are serious safety hazards, not just cosmetic defects. The entire electrical system may have to be replaced, or at least part of it, to bring the home up to current safety standards.